After Two Seasons, Hulu Has Cancelled How I Met Your Father

How I Met Your Father.

How I Met Your Father has been cancelled on Hulu after two seasons. Extending the original story of How I Met Your Mother on CBS, the spin-off starred Hilary Duff as Sophie, explaining to her son from the future how she met his father. Sadly, unlike the CBS series, How I Met Your Father’s cancellation left Sophie’s story incomplete (H/T ComicBook for … Read more

Top 10 Shows that Became Terrible to Watch Now that The Walking Dead is Over

Top 10 Shows that Became Terrible to Watch Now that The Walking Dead is Over

Finally. It’s finally over. AMC announced last week that The Walking Dead‘s 11th season would be its final one, freeing us all from its shackles. It’s such a shame. Season 1 was such a strong start for the show. Seasons 2 and 3 had a pretty steep downhill, and by Season 4 it was pretty … Read more