Christopher Eccleston Rules Out Multi-Doctor Stories

Christopher Eccleston has ruled out returning to Doctor Who for a future multi-Doctor story, namely the upcoming 60th anniversary in 2023, courtesy of a report from Doctor Who TV. After portraying the Ninth Doctor for one year back in 2005, Eccleston’s short-lived and much-loved tenure as the Time Lord made his absence from 2013’s 50th-anniversary episode all the more noticeable. Fast-forward the clock nine years, and here we are, with Eccleston adamant that he will not return to the show for an anniversary special, confirming at a Supanova Q&A Panel that he’d “never been a fan of multi-Doctor stories.”

“When I worked on the series, I had really strong ideas about what works and what doesn’t, and I always think that multi-Doctor stories are a bit of a cash-in, and a bit of exploitation.” Eccleston continued, after being asked by fans at the convention if there were any previous incarnations of the Doctor he’d like to work alongside.

Eccleston elaborated that the multi-Doctor stories “never worked” for the two-time BAFTA-nominated actor. Speaking about the show’s 50th-anniversary special, Eccleston declared that his absence from the episode would improve the story. He described his incarnation of the Doctor as “a one-man band.” 

He added: “So he doesn’t work with other Doctors. If you want me back, you’d get me on my own.” However, Eccleston has returned to the world of Doctor Who, this time lending his voice in the Doctor Who audio drama series led by Big Finish Productions.

In other news, Doctor Who’s current executive producer, Matt Strevens, revealed details regarding Jodie Whittaker’s final episodes as the Thirteenth Doctor, promising a “massive feature-length epic” episode. “Legend of the Sea Devils” will air over the Easter holidays.

If you’re all caught with Doctor Who and want a little bit more, then take a look at Flickluster’s reviews for Doctor Who: Flux and the New Year’s Day, “Eve of the Daleks”

Matt Bailey

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