The first trailer for ARK: The Animated Series has been released following the adaptation’s official announcement during the 2020 Game Awards. Presently, the animated series has not been attached to a streaming service, but the official synopsis on Youtube confirmed the series is expected to debut at an unspecified date in “2023.”
The story follows Helena Walker, a paleontologist who “finds herself resurrected on a mysterious primeval land after tragedy. There she must learn to survive and find new allies, or die again at the hands of ruthless warlords — all while trying to uncover the true nature of their strange new world.”
The adaptation has pulled in a wealth of many high-profile stars – including Michelle Yeoh (Everything Everywhere All at Once), Karl Urban (The Boys), and Jeffrey Wright (The Batman).
The series will further star Gerard Butler (300), David Tennant (Good Omens), Elliot Page (The Umbrella Academy), Malcolm McDowell (A Clockwork Orange), Monica Bellucci (Spectre), Alan Tudyk (Resident Alien), Zahn McClarnon (Westworld), Ragga Ragnars (Vikings), Madeleine Madden (The Wheel of Time) and both Devery Jacobs and Tatanka Means from Reservation Dogs.
Vin Diesel (Guardians of the Galaxy) and Russell Crowe (Thor: Love and Thunder) will also appear in additional roles. To round out the voice cast, ARK: The Animated Series has drafted in the likes of Dee Bradley Baker, Cissy Jones, Ron Yuan, Deborah Mailman, and Juliet Mills.
Are you excited about the adaptation? Please let us know your thoughts with a comment below. For more on all things animation, including our breakdown of the new Across the Spider-Verse trailer, stay tuned here at GameLuster.